Top Ten Things I Don't Want to Hear on a Date

1. That you have no money.

Then why are you out dating?!

2. That you're a rapper, singer, dancer, movie maker or producer, but you are just working at the bank in the meantime.

And don't pass me that wack card with the number crossed out in pen, where you have written in your new number.

3. That you did a bid, but you were just the getaway driver.


4. That you're "sorta" dating. Either you're in a relationship or you not.

P.S. There is no government form ever that has had the box "Dating,""In a Relationship," or "Taken." If you're not married, divorced or separated--you're single/non-married.

5. That you didn't have time to change from the gym.


6. Your mom lives with you.

You either live with your parents or you don't.

7. That you're not a US citizen (Don't even ask)

8. That you're gonna "wife" me or ask me if I'm ready for kids.

9. You talk about your job for an hour.

Okay, I get it. You graduated from Cornell, doing your Masters at Columbia, working as a corporate research analyst financial planner sourcer lawyer operations officer. That's nice....I just don't want to hear about it all night.

and finally,

10. Do I want you to come to my house and make sure I get in okay.


Thanks...but no thanks. 330.

1 comment:

  1. Great one.
    I dont even want a man to know where i live on the 1st date...just in case he is a stalker or i dont like him "like that".
