The Bold One

Today's post is simple...but sweet. Well maybe not sweet. But short and to the point.

It was our first date.

He asked me have I ever been to Ten's. I hadn't, I had just moved to New York maybe a year before this date.

It's a summer night. Beautiful. If you have never been out on a New York summer night, I don't know what you have been doing with your life. It's as almost if God has kissed the sky to spread the clouds, sighed in amazement to push the breeze and opened his eyes to light the skyline. If you've got good company, then you've got a great night.

He's funny. Have you realized that, this is an important quality for me?

We ride across the bridge, top down...laughing, mmmmm....I can't complain.

We get to the city and he's like, my boys are hanging out at Ten's we are going to go and have some drinks and chill out.

We park and I get to the front door.

There are stairs and they are covered in red carpet and there's a bouncer standing outside. I haven't looked up yet.

He talks to the bouncer, and opens the door for me.

It's a strip club.

Now, really I'm not uncomfortable. It's cool. I mean, it is our first date. Buttt, I mean hey, good drinks, good company as I said before, and strippers. They are so interesting aren't they?

So I mean it's all good.

I'm one of those chicks that are really cool, and really down to earth. So I'm dancing, throwing his money around. Laughing with his friends. Kicking it.

Mayyybbbeee....I gave the impression that anything goes. I'm sure I did.

Because, we are leaving now...and we get in the car and he asks me did I think this one chick was sexy. I mean sure, in a stripper kind of way. He says okay.

We get down the block and he slams on the brakes, he goes, "Yeah, she was bad. Let's go back and get her and all go to my house."

*blank stare*

He was as serious as a heart attack.

"Bold aren't you"?

FML. Only me.


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