I met him at a step show. Ah yes, a good ole college boy.
There he was all six feet something of him and he was strolling along, looking at me, strolling along...looking at me. I look away.
I turn around and there he was. In my face. Tall, handsome, he speaks. There is a large space between his teeth. Not just a minor cute Keshia Cole gap that she covered up. You know what I'm saying? See, some people have gaps that make them unique, you know it's interesting, it's in their characters and then...some people have gaps, like you could get two fingers through it. But that really wasn't my problem. The other half of the equation is he had an under bite. Damn. *Rolls eyes*
I can't directly look at him. Focus. Focus. Look him in the eyes. Fooocccuus. I'm back at the space. Okay, let's try this again...up, up, up, eyes...yes. Yessss! Focused. Math major, summa cum laude, financial analyst. Niiioooooccceee.
Not my type. Well not at that time in my life anyway. (Silly, silly girl)
Me and the girls get invited to IHOP.
Who are we to say no? All 50-leven of his frat brothers and some other people congregate at the local IHOP. We continue to chat and eventually exchange numbers. We talk a couple of times...but I'm not really feeling him. As a friend, sure. A boyfriend...not so much.
We keep in contact for the next year or so, you know off and on, I see him a couple of times at different venues, shows, we speak, very cordial. He's not really pushy, not overly aggressive and then it happens.
"I was wondering if we could possibly go out one night," he says, "I mean we've been keeping in touch for a while now and I find you attractive, smart, funny, I mean we should really go out to a movie or eat soon."
Sigh. I agree despite my reservations.
The date night comes up and he rings the doorbell (2 points), opens the car door (3 points), pulls out my chair at the restaurant (we have a winner ladies and gentlemen), I am impressed. The conversation is pretty cool, I mean we talk about the same things we have talked about before, new things, old things, future things. It's cute. But...I'm still not jumping up to schedule date two.
We leave the restaurant and we are in the car on the way home. As we pull up to my building, he turns down the radio and clears his throat. Here we go.
"So I was thinking, since we've spent all this time getting to know each other, that we make this official. I'm so very attracted to you and I know that I could love you forever."
Wait. Did he just say "love"? He goes on.
"Being in a relationship is difficult but I think that we could really blah, blah, blah, blah, blah..." I'm now calculating in my head how to let this poor guy down without hurting his feelings. He finishes his speech.
I politely let him know that I think he's a great guy and that I respect our friendship so much, that getting in a relationship would just "complicate" things right now. I tell him, let's just chill on this one and that we should remain friends.
Are his eyes glassing over? Are they moist? I'm unsure, but now I'm very, very uncomfortable. I look at my watch, "Well look at the time....I'm going to get upstairs. Early day tomorrow." He replies okay and says that he will walk me to the door. I'm shaking my head a little.
We get to the door and he goes, "We should at least try...". His voice is real soft and he's looking down. I look at him and try and cheer him up, "Who knows, maybe one day hunh"? I give him the playful punch in the arm. This must have been his cue. He starts singing.
I'm so serious right now, it's like this light singing where I can't make out the words, I just look at him singing in this soft, muffled voice, some song. I'm trying not to laugh. My eyes are real wide...mouth slightly open. I stand there uncomfortable for a few a seconds and I say, "Well, I'm gonna go in now." I reach for the door and turn the key in the knob. He's still leaning against the rail...singing. I get in the door and say, "Bye." He's still singing. I say, "I'm going to shut the door now." He's still singing. I shut the door and look through the panel....his eyes are misty and he's still singing. I go upstairs and look out the window. He's there. Leaning on the rail. I now feel bad.
I contemplate for a few minutes if I should go back downstairs. But I don't. I turn on the TV and put my feet up.
A few years later I was taking classes at this school downtown and I met this girl. One day, while leaving class we are chit-chatting and she mentions that her boyfriend was on his was to pick her up. She said I should meet him because he went to the university that's in my suburb. I may know him. Yep. The Singer walks up...FML. He turns his nose up at me and smirks as if I should be jealous that he dates the wack girl from my class. I am not impressed.
But...three months later when she comes in the building with 2.5 carats and a big belly, I understand that God has a sense of humor. 359.
I have never laughed this much reading anything electronically EVER