I was standing on the couches at what use to be Sol...I think it's Amnesia now, yeah, Amnesia.
He asked me two questions, "What do you do"? and "You have kids"? I didn't think anything of it until the next day he invited me and a friend to come party with him and his friends, because it was his birthday weekend.
Now my friend..was one of those friends that...hmmm how can I put this...thinks her 'ish don't stink...she was also a little more aggressive than I was and when it came time to choose a restaurant, he asked me where I, (see the word I) wanted to go and she goes, "Phillipes." Now I don't really care either way...I like Phillipes, fine with me. He rolls his eyes. He's off her.
We get to the restaurant and I don't even recall how we got on the subject but he's like, "I don't date women with kids." She has a child and is now offended. So she smartly replies, "What's that suppose to mean"? He says, I don't have children so I don't want to be with a woman who does either. She says, "But what if you fall in love with a woman who has kids--" he interrupts, "That won't happen." He turns to me, "What did I ask you when I first met you"? I reply, "Do I have a job and do I have kids." He says, "Exactly, I wouldn't even get involved with a woman who had kids, or who didn't have a job or career path. I don't care how attractive she is, how great her personality is, those are just two things that I don't compromise on. I ask those questions first to deduce if we even need to speak past this conversation. That way I don't waste her or my time." She has nothing to say.
I like him. He's aggressive, sociable, a grown man (so essential), ambitious. This is cool. A friend of mine was getting married in LA, and I was preparing for the trip. He asked me, where I was staying and who I was going with. I let him know I was going solo and hadn't figured out yet. His response? Cool. If you want me to go, I'll go. I figured why not?! Next thing I know, he's calling me from Saks, getting a new suit, booking our room at the Montrose and upgrading my seat and buying his in first class....POW! Real grown man 'ish. Now that I sit and write this and think about it, I've dealt with some really good guys and on top of that a few have been grown men...I know, you're like what the heck does that mean. Well, I also have dealt with some really immature guys and now that I look back at the men I have dated, I'm wondering why I keep giving these little boys the time of day. I'm really selling my self short....
Okay, but everything is not peaches and cream with The Imposter. Moving on...
We get to LA and I'm expecting him to be the same swagged up NYC dude he was in well, NYC. He's dumb quiet in the cab ride. I'm like hunh?
We get to the hotel. He's like let's hit the bar...I can't, I have to go meet my friends. He's like cool, I'm going.
Time for the wedding. We get dressed...get downstairs, he's still quiet. What the heck is going on? Did the plane ride subdue you? What's the deal.
Reception time. Open bar. You do the math. The entire wedding is lit. I'm walking around having fun with my friends (I haven't seen them in years btw), but I come and check on him still sitting at the table every now and again.
I'm over him.
The rest of the weekend is spent in this awkward moment. I can not WAIT to get back to NYC. I don't understand how a couple of hours on the plane stole his identity. Like really, in NYC, this dude is the king of the world. I let him be also. The minute we get around my friends, in a different surrounding all of a sudden I'm dragging my little brother around. Where they do that at?
By the tone in my voice I believe he concluded that I was over him...We have a conversation and I basically tell him flat out, I didn't like his behavior outside of NY, (my have the tables turned). He responds..."I was intimidated a little, I didn't know those people like you did I guess." So that turns you into a totally different person?
I have to admit, I was a little embarrassed. I feel like if you're going to be with someone, shouldn't they be that "someone" wherever you go? Sure, I could have gotten over it, I'm sure I could have looked past it. But really...I don't want my man packing up his swag and only putting it on when necessary...Maybe I'm the one who lost. 355.
I learned from that one.