The Punk

I was dating this dude for a while....and then we broke up. We were young, know the rest.

After we broke up, he dated this chick who was more concerned with what I was doing then keeping up with their relationship. Real ignorant like. I guess he got tired of that...because then they broke up.

Randomly, a few months later he asks if I want to hang out....Why do I agree?

Oh yeah, because I do random stupid 'ish.

We're walking around enjoying the summer day. Laughing like the old days. We stop at the ice cream shop. It's picture perfect.

We're strolling along this long block and walking towards us are two figures....He squints his eyes and leans his head forward a little bit. I squint too.

It's his ex...and her friend.

I'm thinking nothing of it, like oh well for you honey, I'm having a good day. I keep walking. Until I look around and this jerk has slid into the doorway of some store. I turn around like what the hell!? I walk back a bit and his ass is leaning real close to the glass head back trying to make sure no one can see him.

They are getting closer.

He says, "Go...Go! Walk that way," he waves his hand but not his arm so no one can see him hiding,"She can NOT see me and you together. For real....we not broke up, we just got back together...her ass is CRAZY! For real...go, go walk over there..."!

Are you kidding me?

I'm standing there shocked with the ice cream in my hands and I'm looking at him with his eyes real wide...this dude is really terrified. I'm thinking like...wait, should I be terrified? Finally, I resolve like you know what. I gotta get the heck out here ASAP.

I walk the opposite way and cross the street. Next thing I know, from behind me I hear serious yelling. I keep walking down the block though and the only thing I could think of to do was to go into this Chinese restaurant.

This is around the time when two-ways were poppin, not cell phones and the only way to contact a pay phone. Okay, so now I'm a little nervous...okay I won't lie to you guys, I'm scared. Next thing I know homegirl is walking past the restaurant looking in. She sees me.

I manage to get a quarter out and call my best friend at the time. The pay phone is right at the front of the restaurant and you can see out into the street and whoever is out there can see in, it's a stand off. With glass. "COME GET ME NOW"! My bestie lived in the next suburb over, which isn't far, but it's far enough for me to worry that this chick is going to kill me.

Here I am cowering in the corner by the pay phone. The chick is outside the restaurant with her friend arms crossed, pissed. I think she is deciding what to do with me. I can't believe this. She finally walks away.

A few minutes later, my best friend rolls up like a bat outta hell. Slams on the brakes and hops out like "Deebo G"...I pause for a second. In my mind homegirl is hiding in the bushes and I know it's about to go down. I prepare myself. Instead, my bestie saves me and comes to the door to get me.

We get in the car and she's shaking her head....I'm in a daze...I can't figure out if I'm the punk or him. 354